
  • Greg Wray

    Professor of biology, Duke University

    “I grew up loving nature,” Greg Wray recalls, “and it’s still what gets me up in the morning.” Once up, Wray spends his days immersed in large-scale data analysis, studying biological diversity 21st century-style. He has focused on the evolution of gene regulation partly by studying sea urchins, an organism whose gene regulatory networks are well understood, providing an intuitive understanding of how regulation works. But the major focus of the Wray Lab is the primates: understanding how changes in gene expression might have driven many of the phenotypic traits that make us human.


  • Carl Zimmer

    Author (latest title: “A Planet of Viruses”), blogger The Loom

    Carl Zimmer is the author of 12 books and writes frequently for The New York Times and a number of magazines. In 2011, he helped found Download the Universe, a science ebook review.


  • Bora Zivkovic

    Blog Editor, Scientific American

    Bora Zivkovic (Twitter @boraz) is the Blog Editor at Scientific American, chronobiologist, biology teacher, organizer of ScienceOnline conferences, and editor of “Open Laboratory” anthologies of best science writing on the Web.
